Media and Advocacy are key components to boost the profile and visibility of nutrition and to influence and advocate for key policy and practical recommendations to accelerate progress in eradicating malnutrition in Kenya.  Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilisation (ACSM) is a cross-cutting area that aims to support the delivery of theNational Nutrition Action Plan (NNAP) strategic objectives and in particular objectives 8 to 11[1], and the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy (FNSP).  Furthermore ACSM actions are geared towards supporting the implementation of existing County Nutrition Action Plans (CNAP).

Media and Advocacy enable sector actors to:

  • Provide information and create awareness on key nutrition issues
  • Place nutrition issues on the political agenda and inform related public debates
  • Build interest in nutrition issues and trigger action on it
  • Change behaviours, attitudes & perceptions on nutrition issues and practices
  • Create space and inclusion of disadvantaged groups in nutrition decisions

Sector stakeholders, from the Government of Kenya, Civil Society, Donors, UN agencies, the Private Sector and Academic/Research Institutes join forces to carry out strategic advocacy interventions and engage the media with the aim of influencing positive sustainable changes in tackling malnutrition in Kenya.   Activities take place at the international, regional, national and subnational levels.

Find out more about Media & Advocacy

Get in touch – contact Lucy Wangari, Ministry of Health – Programme Manager Advocacy & Clinical Nutrition (

Guiding and coordinating Nutrition ACSM

The sector’s media and advocacy agenda and interventions are guided and coordinated by the Advocacy, Communications and Social Mobilisation (ACSM) structures within the Ministry of Health.   The chart below outlines the different entities involved at the national level and their respective roles.   These structures are multi-stakeholder platforms bring together government officials, civil society representatives, UN agencies, business representatives and research professionals.

Get Involved – To find out more information or to get involved contact Lucy Wangari at

At county level, ACSM activities are not currently coordinated and led by a single platform.  The situation varies from county to county and work is ongoing to improve the coordination and harmonisation of ACSM actions at sub-national level.